Campbell United Methodist Church
South Bay Area Church

Sunday: 10:00am

Tuesday: 6:00pm


Presence: The Power of Authentic Relationships

July 27 - The Power of Presence

August 3 - A Love That Endures

August 10 - The Power to Shape Another

August 17 - The Meaning and the Challenge of Friendship

August 24 - Bound Together by Purpose


Campbell United Methodist Church

1675 Winchester Blvd

(just south of Hamilton Ave)

Campbell, California 95008

(408) 378-3472



Food for Thought

Second Harvest Food Bank During the summer months, many children won't have access to school-provided lunches. You can help Second Harvest fill that gap -- and help fill hungry tummies! When you're in the grocery store, please consider picking up a few of the nutritious, non-perishable, single-serving foods shown below throughout the summer. They will be used in programs for children.

Second Annual All-Handbell Concert

May 18, 2014's second annual all-handbell concert was a huge success. Here are some photos and comments.
  • D.B. wrote "very impressive"
  • B.R. said " a big hit was the bluegrass piece, bravo performance"
For more comments and media presentations, click here Second Annual All-Handbell Concert

Inmate Art Captivates the Crowd

Stunning! Incredible! Beautiful! Wow! These exclamations may still be reverberating within the Halls of Justice as they were echoed over and over again by visitors who attended the opening of Transformation: Art from Within, an exhibit displaying a collection of artwork created by women and men incarcerated at the Elmwood Correctional Facility in Milpitas, California.

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Painless Fundraising

Support Campbell United Methodist Church. There are several ways you can help financially support CUMC without spending more than you do already. Click here for some alternatives