Campbell United Methodist Church
South Bay Area Church

5:00 P.M. Children’s Pageant
10:00 P.M. Lessons & Carols

Both services end with candlelighting in the courtyard.

REGULAR SERVICES – Sunday: 10:00am
CHAPEL COMMUNION – Tuesday: 6:00pm

Advent is a season of preparation, filled with stories of beginnings, prophesies of what's to come, and people trying to make sense of the twists and turns of life. This is a season to ask yourself: Where is God whispering in my life right now? What is waiting to be born-in my faith, in the life of this church, in our world? And what part do I play in the unfolding of this present-day story? How do I want to "show up" for Christmas this year?

Daily Advent Devotions

Click here to go to the Devotions page.

South Bay Area Church



November 30 – First Sunday of Advent “When the Light Flickers"

December 7 – Second Sunday of Advent “The Darkness That Leads to ‘Yes’"

December 14 – Third Sunday of Advent “Eclipse: When the Light is Hidden"

December 21 – Fourth Sunday of Advent “Out of the Shadows"

December 24 - Christmas Eve "The Light Has Come"


Campbell United Methodist Church

1675 Winchester Blvd

(just south of Hamilton Ave)

Campbell, California 95008

(408) 378-3472



Elmwood Advent Meditations

Elmwood Advent Meditations Are Here! Partnership: God with Us, an Advent booklet containing art and writings by Elmwood inmates, is available for a donation of $10. Your donation will also provide a copy of these meditations to an inmate. These booklets are sponsored and produced by CIC (Correctional Institutions Chaplaincy) Ministries serving our county jails. Stop by the Art & Spirit Ministry table after worship services on Nov. 16th, 23rd, & 30th to obtain these beautiful gifts. For more information, please contact Sue Foyle.

Alternative Gift Faire

On Sunday, November 30th, our annual Alternative Gift Faire begins.

During Fellowship Time, decide what gifts you want, go to the cashier’s table for your gift cards and write one check to Campbell UMC. After November 30th, the gift cards will be in the office through December 24th.

Holiday Music Schedule

Many Advent and Christmas Special Music events will be held at Campbell United Methodist Church.

Click here for the schedule of concerts and special music events for this holiday season.